Top 6 Supplements for Energy and Focus in 2019

Do you often find yourself struggling to maintain energy through the day? Do you find your mind wandering while trying to work or study? We all know how this feels, and how frustrating it can be. Unfortunately, there’s no single magic bullet for energy levels. Studies have shown that the best way to improve your overall energy and mental focus is through lifestyle changes – more exercise, better sleep, less stress, and a healthier diet. These natural hacks are sure to leave you feeling more vitalized and capable of handling life’s day-to-day challenges. However, not everyone is willing or able to change their lifestyle just yet. Or, perhaps you’re already living your best life, but you’re looking for something to boost your energy to a whole new level! That’s where these top natural dietary supplements come into play. Check out the list below of 2019’s best supplements for improving energy and focus!

1.    LiftMode’s Energy Stack Capsules

A one-of-a-kind supplement stack, packed with no less than 7 top natural supplements for energy and focus. These capsules pack a punch! Needs to be used responsibly and provides a significant increase in mood and energy levels while supporting cognitive performance. Each capsule contains:
  1. PEA (Phenylethylamine HCL) - 300mg
A neurotransmitter with significant energizing and mood-lifting effects. It is often associated with the ‘Runner’s High’ and is capable of increasing catecholamine synthesis (dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine) in the brain.[1]
  1. Hordenine - 75mg
A potent energizer that increases focus and mental energy. Acts at MAO enzymes to increase the length of PEA’s effects.[2]
  1. Ascorbyl Palmitate (Vitamin C) - 75mg
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin with anti-stress and immune support benefits. It also helps to improve absorption of other supplements.[3]
  1. Rhodiola Rosea Extract - 50mg
A fatigue-reducing herbal extract known as a powerful adaptogen (allows the body to better adapt to stress). May have beneficial effects on cognitive performance.[4]
  1. Caffeine - 50mg
The world’s most widely consumed stimulant – greatly improves attention and focus.[5] Needs to be used responsibly.
  1. Piperine - 20mg
Black Pepper Extract with powerful effects that enhance the uptake and efficacy of dietary supplements.[6]
  1. Yohimbine HCl - 5mg
A potent energizing compound from the Yohimbe tree with significant wakefulness-promoting effects. Needs to be used responsibly.[7]   Our Energy Capsules are for anybody looking for a mood and focus kick, without the need for using powders. The recommended serving size for this supplement stack is 1 – 2 capsules, once to twice daily. At larger serving sizes, side effects may include headaches, nervousness, twitching, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and restlessness. Do not take this supplement in the afternoon or evening as it may interfere with sleep. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED SERVING SIZE.

LiftMode Energy Stack capsules review:

Energy Boost ★★★★★
Mood Enhancement ★★★★★
Mental Focus & Clarity ★★★★★
Side Effects ★★☆☆☆
Potential Danger ★★★☆☆

2.    Caffeine + L-Theanine Capsules

Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed energizing compounds on Earth. It is found both in coffee (Coffea arabica) and tea (Camellia sinesis) and has potent wakefulness-promoting and focusing effects. Caffeine promotes dopaminergic and adrenergic signalling in the brain, boosting mood and mental focus. [5] L-Theanine is a secondary compound that occurs naturally in tea. Studies have shown that L-Theanine has powerful benefits on mental focus, mood, sleep quality, relaxation, and wellness. L-Theanine and caffeine have a great synergistic relationship, and studies have indicated that taking them in combination improves mental energy and focus better than either alone.[8] This is a great supplement for supporting enhanced cognitive performance and improved energy levels. Like the Energy Capsules, this supplement stack is sold in capsule form for ease of use. No need to measure out powders – simply wash down 1 – 2 capsules, once to twice per day. If you often feel negative effects after drinking coffee, we can highly recommend this supplement stack for you! Studies have indicated that L-Theanine may counteract some of the adverse effects of caffeine, such as jitteriness, headaches and sweaty palms. One capsule contains 150mg of L-Theanine and 100mg pure Caffeine. The recommended serving size is 1-2 capsules, once or twice daily. Large servings of caffeine can cause nervousness, headache, tremor, palpitations, high blood pressure, insomnia and indigestion. Do not take this supplement in the afternoon or evening as it may interfere with sleep. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED SERVING SIZE.

Caffeine + L-Theanine capsules review:

Energy Boost ★★★★★
Mood Enhancement ★★★★☆
Mental Focus & Clarity ★★★★★
Side Effects ★☆☆☆☆
Potential Danger ★★★☆☆

3.    Magnesium L-Threonate

Magnesium L-Threonate is a newly-developed supplement and is the only supplement available today that is capable of improving the magnesium levels in your brain. In the brain, magnesium regulates NMDA receptors and is essential for learning, memory, and as an anti-inflammatory. This supplement is great for boosting mental focus and clarity and is often used for cognitive enhancement. [9] Apart from its unique ability to boost the brain’s magnesium levels, Magnesium L-Threonate also provides all the benefits of regular magnesium supplements. These include support for exercise performance and muscle recovery, stress-reduction, and support for a healthy mood.[10] Many people tend to overlook magnesium and opt for more ‘designer-type’ supplements. However, magnesium is just as effective as many energizing supplements, especially for boosting physical energy levels. Studies show that magnesium may help to reduce lactate accumulation, to improve muscular strength and output, and to support a healthy circulatory system.[11] The recommended serving size for Magnesium L-Threonate is 1.2 – 2 grams per day, taken in two separate servings. People who weigh less than 70 kg should take no more than 1.5 grams per day. Typically, magnesium supplements are free from side effects when taken at the suggested serving size. However, Magnesium L-Threonate has not been extensively studied in humans. Do not use this supplement if you have any underlying medical conditions. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED SERVING SUGGESTION.

Magnesium L-Threonate review:

Energy Boost ★★★★☆
Mood Enhancement ★★★★☆
Mental Focus & Clarity ★★★★★
Side Effects ☆☆☆☆☆
Potential Danger ★☆☆☆☆

4.    Yohimbine HCl

Yohimbine is an energizing and metabolism-boosting supplement derived from the Yohimbe tree. It increases levels of adrenaline in the body and inhibits an enzyme in cells that normally suppresses fat burning. It is often used as an aphrodisiac because of its effects on vitality. It is also used as a potent wakefulness-promoting supplement with aphrodisiac effects.[12] Yohimbine’s effects include boosting the brain’s output of norepinephrine, to improve wakefulness, energy, focus, and learning capacity.[13] Norepinephrine is often referred to as the ‘learning transmitter’ and it is vital for signal transduction (carrying electrochemical signals between synapses in the brain). It is also a stress hormone, which is why it boosts your energy levels so much! YOHIMBINE MUST BE USED CAREFULLY! Mild neurotoxic effects can occur at just 30 mg or more. The recommended serving size is just 4 – 8 mg, taken once or twice per day. Anything greater than 30 mg may be detrimental to your health. Side effects of large servings can include overstimulation, hypertension (high blood pressure), racing heart, twitching, disorientation, headaches, dry mouth, and dizziness. Excessively large servings can result in loss of consciousness, coma, and death.[14] Having said that, most people are able to use Yohimbine without encountering these adverse effects. The most important thing is to not exceed the recommended serving size of 4 – 8 mg, taken once to twice per day. For your first time, use a smaller serving of 2 mg to assess how you respond. Do not use this supplement in the afternoon or evening as it may interfere with your sleep. People with anxiety should not take this supplement. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED SERVING SIZE.

Yohimbine review:

Energy Boost ★★★★★
Mood Enhancement ★★★☆☆
Mental Focus & Clarity ★★★★☆
Side Effects ★★★☆☆
Potential Danger ★★★☆☆

5.    Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea (also known as the arctic root, golden root, rose root, king’s crown) is a perennial flowering plant that grows in the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere. It’s a very interesting plant with a long history of use in traditional medicine, in both Chinese and Scandinavian traditions, where it has been used for centuries as a means to support a healthy body and to reduce fatigue. [4] Rhodiola supplements have three main benefits:
  1. Prevent physical fatigue
  2. Reduce feelings of stress
  3. Boosts cognitive performance [15]
Rhodiola is known for its powerful ‘adaptogen’ effects. Adaptogens are substances that help your body to cope better to stress and environmental changes. Along with the benefits listed above, it has great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects which help to support a healthy immune system. All adaptogens tend to have the characteristics of reducing mental and physical fatigue and a mild to moderate energizing effect. The recommended serving size for this supplement is around 300 – 680 mg, per day, taken in 1 or 2 separate servings. Rhodiola rosea extract supplements show a bell-curve response to dosage. This means that servings greater than 680 mg may not be as effective as smaller servings. Therefore, we do not recommend exceeding the serving suggestion. If you have any underlying medical conditions, it is recommended that you first consult with a doctor before using this supplement. Rhodiola affects chemicals your body in a way that could have adverse effects for people who suffer from low blood pressure, autoimmune disorders, or diabetes. If you have any medical conditions, speak to your doctor before using this supplement. Side effects are generally mild and rare but may include dizziness and headaches at large serving sizes.

Rhodiola Rosea review:

Energy Boost ★★★★☆
Mood Enhancement ★★★★☆
Mental Focus & Clarity ★★★☆☆
Side Effects ★☆☆☆☆
Potential Danger ☆☆☆☆☆

6.     Agmatine Sulfate

Agmatine sulfate is a newly-understood neurotransmitter produced from the amino acid, L-Arginine. It is synthesized in the brain and stored in synaptic vessels, for use in receptor signalling pathways. Studies indicate that this supplement has a wide range of potential benefits, including use in stress-reduction, promoting a healthy mood, support for cognitive performance, learning, and memory, and for supporting a healthy brain and circulatory system.[16] Agmatine sulfate works by enhancing and regulating a variety of biochemical pathways in the body. It is best known for its regulatory effects on nitric oxide production but actually works through a number of secondary mechanisms too.[17] Many bodybuilders and athletes use Agmatine as a pre-workout, and it is highly recommended for students and working professionals as a brain-booster. Studies have shown that Agmatine also has a synergistic relationship with many types of painkillers, helping to improve their efficacy. The recommended serving size for Agmatine is 600 – 1200 mg, taken once to twice per day. Agmatine sulfate is usually sold in a powder form. Use a micro-scoop to measure the correct serving size.   The adverse effects of large servings of Agmatine sulfate have not yet been studied extensively in humans. However, most users do not report side effects when taken at the recommended serving size. In one study, the effects of long-term (5 + years) use were examined. Large amounts of around 2.7 grams were taken in six separate servings, throughout the day. No adverse effects were recorded. [18]

Agmatine Review:

Energy Boost ★★★★☆
Mood Enhancement ★★★☆☆
Mental Focus & Clarity ★★★★☆
Side Effects ☆☆☆☆☆
Potential Danger ★☆☆☆☆

Conclusion: Top Supplements for Energy and Focus (2019)

Time to power through 2019! With this list of the top natural supplements for energy and focus, you won’t need to spend another day feeling drained or struggling to focus. Boost your energy levels and cognitive performance and achieve your full potential with a healthy diet, lifestyle changes, and these top energizing supplements! To recap, here are our Top 6 supplements for energy and focus, this year:
LiftMode’s Energy Stack ★★★★★
Caffeine + L-Theanine Capsules ★★★★1/2
Magnesium L-Threonate ★★★★1/2
Yohimbine HCl ★★★★
Rhodiola Rosea ★★★★
Agmatine Sulphate ★★★

Medical Disclaimer

Not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease or ailment. Please read and fully understand potential adverse effects before using this product. These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA and are not written by a medical professional. Please consult your doctor before using any supplements, especially if you have any medical conditions.


B.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Researched & written by Tristan and verified by the Research Team


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