Collection: Sustainability Statement
LiftMode has grown from a small, family-based company that offers people the highest quality plant extracts and dietary supplements. We develop, test and distribute science-based, top quality pure supplements and Nootropics to support your body and mind. Many of us have traveled the world looking for the best sources of plant material and extracts to improve the lives of our customers.
We’ve developed a passion for plants and the natural world and we believe that we have an integral part to play in this beautiful system. It is from our passion for the wonders of the natural world and our desire to share the benefits of the world’s most powerful plant extracts and dietary supplements that we’ve developed our core values of sustainability.
At LiftMode, we’re dedicated to developing our business in a sustainable way. We believe that we have a responsibility to produce the highest-quality products while supporting everyone who contributes to our success along the way and taking every measure we can to reduce the impact we have on our natural environment.
We believe that a business can be sustainable only if it does not deplete or degrade the resources it benefits or draws from. All businesses, systems, and individuals depend on environmental, social, and economic resources, and so our concept of sustainability encompasses all of these aspects. To achieve sustainability requires determination and concentrated effort, in all aspects of a business.
We believe that there is an interconnectedness between the way we draw resources from the environment, the fulfillment and well-being of our employees, the health and satisfaction of our customers, and the health of the social and economic fabric in the communities in which we operate. To achieve sustainability means focussing on our business system as a whole, including all aspects, and ensuring that all of these resources are encouraged to grow healthily.
Our mission is to be a sustainable business that contributes to a better world for our employees, our customers, the communities around us, and the environments from which we draw our resources. This requires a long-term outlook that promotes positive change in the economic, environmental, and social aspects of our business. Keeping this in mind, we’ve developed a sustainability strategy to ensure that our business practices align with our core values.
Our experiences in different parts of the world collecting, sampling, and analyzing some of the world’s most powerful plant extracts and dietary supplements – while setting up long-term relationships with people from a wide variety of cultures – have opened our eyes to the responsibilities we have as a business and a group of friends. Our responsibilities are to ensure that none of the resources we use are degraded, to ensure that the people we work with are treated fairly and with dignity, and to ensure that our customers receive the best quality products and truthful, accessible information about how to use them and what they do.
We see the world as a wild, ever-changing, complex, and interconnected system, and we believe that when resources are degraded in any part of the world this has a ripple effect on all systems the world around. Likewise, when systems are restored anywhere and people’s well-being taken care of, this has a positive impact on many different systems in places far and wide.
We believe that by adopting an outlook like this, together we can make the world a better place. And who doesn’t want to live in a better world? A world that is less polluted, a world where wilderness is revered instead of destroyed, where people from all cultures can appreciate life in their own way, and where we accept and embrace our responsibilities as custodians of this beautiful planet.
We’re taking steps to reduce our footprint. Stay tuned to our website and our newsletter for more information on the projects we’re engaging in and on how you can help contribute to a more sustainable planet.