Ultimate Guide: How to Take Liftmode Supplements (Part 2)

Everybody wants to get the most out of their supplement regime. In order to do this, you need to be sure that you’re taking your supplements correctly. In part two of our Ultimate Guide for How to Take Liftmode Supplements, we’ll explore how you can optimize your supplement regime. In this article, we explore our Mood-Lifting and Aphrodisiac supplements. We look into the recommended dosages for each supplement, when to take them, how to take them, and whether or not you can combine them with each other. Please read this article for a better understanding of how to take Liftmode supplements.

1. How To Take Liftmode Supplements for Mood-Lift

Liftmode’s mood-lifting supplements consist of:
  1. 5-HTP
  2. DL-Phenylalanine
  3. L-Tryptophan

Individual Mood-Lifting Supplements

[caption id=""attachment_1298"" align=""alignright"" width=""300""] Liftmode's 5-HTP, 98+% pure goes really well with L-theanine[/caption] Our mood-lifting supplements are great for anybody looking to improve their overall mood and boost their general feelings of well-being. Both 5-HTP and L-Tryptophan are converted into serotonin in your brain – your body’s ‘happy’ neurotransmitter.[1] Your brain can then use the serotonin to make melatonin, which is used to promote healthy sleep.[2] Our mood-lifting supplements are all fairly soluble in water and can be taken with juice, in a smoothie or in a well-measured capsule. This is a great section to read if you're wondering about how to take Liftmode supplements for a mood-boost!  


5-HTP is the direct precursor to serotonin. Your body generates 5-HTP from L-tryptophan, which it can then turn into serotonin.[3] This is why many people believe that 5-HTP is a stronger mood-booster than L-Tryptophan. You can find out more about 5-HTP and its extensive list of benefits from our product description here. The recommended dosage for 5-HTP is 100 – 600 mg daily, in two to three separate servings.[4] 5-HTP can be taken at any time of the day and may be beneficial to use before sleep. It is fairly soluble in water, especially hot water. You could dissolve it in hot water or tea as a healthy supplement drink, or alternatively take it with juice.  


[caption id=""attachment_1042"" align=""alignright"" width=""300""] Liftmode's DL-Phenylalanine, 99% purity[/caption] DL-Phenylalanine / DLPA is a combination of the amino acid L-Phenylalanine and its isomer D-Phenylalanine. This supplement gives you the benefit of both these compounds. L-Phenylalanine is a naturally occurring amino acid that has mood-lifting and stress-reducing effects.[5] D-Phenylalanine is a laboratory developed compound that has been studied for its wonderful pain-reducing potential.[6] The combination of the two isomers makes this one of our top mood-lifting supplements.[7] The recommended dosage for DL-Phenylalanine is 100 – 500mg daily. DL-Phenylalanine is fairly soluble in water. You could take it with juice, tea, or in a healthy smoothie. Alternatively, DL-Phenylalanine could be measured into capsules to be swallowed.  


L-Tryptophan is a great supplement for anybody looking to boost their mood and to help promote a state of healthy relaxation.[8] In terms of its effects, L-Tryptophan can be thought of as more of a subtle version of 5-HTP. Many people claim that L-Tryptophan is better for sleep than 5-HTP. L-Tryptophan is converted into 5-HTP and then into serotonin.[9] Your body can then use the serotonin to make melatonin – the sleep-promoting transmitter. Researchers recommend a dosage of around 3 – 5 grams daily.  

Mood-Lifting Supplement Stacks

Many people who wonder about how to take Liftmode supplements ask about using mood-lifting supplement stacks. This is a great question! To get the most out of your mood-lifting supplement regime, you may be considering using some supplements together. [caption id=""attachment_1498"" align=""alignright"" width=""300""] Some people combine Liftmode's mood-lifting supplements in a stack[/caption] Combining any of the three mood-lifting supplements may result in greater benefits. However, we recommend using lower dosages than usual. Taking 5-HTP with L-Tryptophan could, theoretically, increase your serotonin levels to a dangerous level. To avoid this, make sure you reduce the dosages of each supplement by at least half when using them together. DL-Phenylalanine works in a different way to 5-HTP and L-Tryptophan and should be okay to use together with them. Please note that these supplements may interfere with prescription medication. If you are taking any medication, please consult with your doctor before using Liftmode supplements.  

When can I take Liftmode Supplements for Mood-Lift?

Dosage How To Take When To Take Goes Well With
5-HTP 100 – 600 mg / day In hot water or tea, in a smoothie, in juice or under your tongue Morning or early afternoon L-Tryptophan (in lower doses) and DL-Phenylalanine
DL-Phenylalanine 100 – 500 mg / day In juice or water, or in a capsule Anytime 5-HTP or L-Tryptophan
L-Tryptophan 3 – 5 grams / day Added to a smoothie Anytime 5-HTP (in lower doses) and DL-Phenylalanine

2. How To Take Liftmode Supplements for Libido

Our top aphrodisiac supplements include:
  1. Icariin
  2. Yohimbine HCl
  3. Maca & Tongkat Ali

Individual Aphrodisiac Supplements

[caption id=""attachment_771"" align=""alignright"" width=""300""] Liftmode's Icariin, 98+% purity[/caption] We selected our Aphrodisiac supplements because of their strength and long history of use without dangerous side effects being reported. These supplements all have scientific evidence of their ability to increase libido and help to maintain a healthy sexual vitality. They are often also energizing and focusing and may have additional health benefits. We recommend using these supplements in the morning or early afternoon to avoid interference with your sleep because of their energizing nature.  


Icariin is one of our most powerful aphrodisiac supplements. It is extracted from the Chinese plant known as Horny Goat Weed and has been used in Chinese traditional medicine for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.[10] Liftmode’s Icariin is highly potent, at 98+% purity. The recommended dosage for strong Icariin is around 10 mg/kg body weight daily.[11] Icariin may also have additional health benefits, which you can read about here. Icariin is not soluble in water. It would be best to take your Icariin supplement in a health smoothie or in a well-measured capsule.  

Yohimbine HCl

[caption id=""attachment_809"" align=""alignright"" width=""300""] Liftmode's Yohimbine HCL: 98%+ purity[/caption] Yohimbine HCl, from the Yohimbe tree in Central Africa, is a powerful aphrodisiac used to sustain a healthy libido and for its potential to increase mental clarity, focus, and energy.[12] Yohimbine HCl is a very powerful substance and it is not recommended to exceed the recommended dosage of 4 – 8 mg daily.[13] Yohimbine HCl may help to boost norepinephrine levels, linking it to lower feeling of stress and improved energy.[14] Yohimbine HCl is water soluble due to it being in a salt form. So, you can take yohimbine in a glass of water or juice, although some people find the taste quite strong. We don’t recommend combining Yohimbine with other aphrodisiac supplements because of the potential interactions that could occur.  

Maca & Tongkat Ali

Maca is a powerful plant found in the high Andes mountains of South America. The root of this high-altitude aphrodisiac supplement has been used for over a thousand years in Peruvian cultures.[15] It is sometimes difficult to obtain high-quality Maca due to the variability of the environment that it grows. Liftmode’s Maca is standardized to 60% Macamides (the active chemicals found in Maca) and is recommended to be used at a dosage of 1 – 4 grams daily.[16] Tongkat Ali is our final aphrodisiac supplement, and it is a tropical plant which grows primarily in the jungles of Indonesia. Tongkat Ali has a history of use for increasing libido in both men and women, for over a thousand years.[17] Like Maca, it is sometimes difficult to find reliable sources of high-quality Tongkat Ali because of the variability of the location where it grows. Tongkat Ali is best used at a dosage of around 100 – 300 mg daily.[18] Neither Maca nor Tongkat Ali is soluble in water and both are best taken when you add them to a healthy smoothie or protein shake.  

Aphrodisiac supplement stacks

[caption id=""attachment_1500"" align=""alignright"" width=""300""] Many people use Liftmode's supplements to help maintain a healthy libido[/caption] A word of warning: the aphrodisiac supplements are all high-quality, high-potency libido-boosting substances from around the world. They have all been used safely for hundreds of years by different cultures in different areas around the world. However, we do not recommend combining the aphrodisiac supplements in stacks. This will avoid the potential for interactions and negative side effects. Please use these supplements responsibly.  
Dosage How to Take When to Take Goes Well With
Icariin 10mg / kg bodyweight Add to a smoothie or take in a capsule Morning / early afternoon None
Yohimbine 4 – 8 mg / day With juice or water, or in a smoothie Morning / early afternoon None
Maca 1 – 4 grams / day Add to a smoothie Anytime Health-promoting supplements
Tongkat Ali 100 – 300 mg / day Add to a smoothie or take in a capsule Morning / early afternoon None
[caption id=""attachment_1501"" align=""aligncenter"" width=""640""] How to take Liftmode supplements: FAQ[/caption]


1. How to take Liftmode supplements?

Each Liftmode supplement is different and has a different recommended dosage. If you are wondering about how to take Liftmode supplements, please check out our supplement catalog here. You can find the recommended dosage for each supplement in the product description.  

2. How to take Liftmode Noopept?

Liftmode no longer sells Noopept.  

3. Where to buy Liftmode supplements?

It’s quick and easy to buy Liftmode supplements. We offer free shipping to US locations as well as a large variety of payment options to suit your needs. The best way to buy Liftmode products is through the Liftmode.com website. We also sell our products on Amazon.com and on Walmart.com.  

4. Where is Liftmode located?

Our head office is located in Chicago, IL.  

5. Can I get a discount for Liftmode?

We offer a $20 promotion in return for honest reviews of purchases made on Liftmode.com or Amazon.com. For more information about this promotion, please write us an email to liftmode@liftmode.com.  

6. Are Liftmode supplements soluble in water?

You can’t dissolve all of our products in water. The salt form products (everything ending in HCl) are predominantly water-soluble.  

How to Take Liftmode Supplements: Conclusion

[caption id=""attachment_812"" align=""alignright"" width=""300""] We go all over the world to find the best products for you![/caption] In conclusion, our Mood-Lifting and Aphrodisiac supplements are effective and easy to use. Each supplement has a different recommended dosage. Some supplements, especially ‘salt-form’ (-HCl) supplements are easily dissolved in water, while some are best added to a smoothie or taken with food. This depends on the nature of the individual supplement. Not all Liftmode supplements can be combined in a stack. Some supplements may have the potential to interact with one another and cause unwanted side effects, especially at higher dosages. Finally, do not use any Liftmode supplement if you are taking medication, without first consulting your doctor.    

Medical Disclaimer

Not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease or ailment. Please read and fully understand potential adverse effects before using this product. These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA and are not written by a medical professional. Please consult your doctor before using any supplements, especially if you have any medical conditions.


B.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Researched & written by Tristan and verified by the Liftmode.com Research Team


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