Kanna – also known as Sceletium or Kougeod – is a strong mood-booster plant extract derived from a succulent plant that grows in Southern Africa. It was used for thousands of years by the Khoisan people as a euphoria-inducing remedy during cultural and religious ceremonies.[1] The Khoisan also used Kanna as an adaptogenic remedy – to protect the body against environmental stress. Adaptogens help the body’s natural coping mechanisms deal better with stresses like hot weather, exercise, and other forms of stress.Benefits and Effects of Kanna
The human benefits of Kanna extract are a result of the actions of special compounds called alkaloids that are unique to the Kanna plant. Depending on where and how the plant was grown, the content of alkaloids can vary greatly – from 0.02 to 2.3% of the total plant weight! This is partly why it was so difficult to produce a standardized extract in the past. The three main active components in Kanna extract are:- Mesembrine
- Mesemebrenone
- Mesembrane
1. Powerful Mood Booster
Without a doubt, the most potent effect of the Kanna extract is its ability to improve your mood. The Mesembrine alkaloid has modulating effects on serotonin receptors, allowing for levels of serotonin to temporarily increase in the brain.[2] Compounds that improve serotonin levels are known for their ability to boost mood and produce feelings of happiness, elation, and euphoria. This is undoubtedly why the Khoisan people have used Kanna for so many generations! Experience report from “A very enjoyable experience although the euphoria seems to reach a plateau and taking more does not increase it, even the [dreams] were good as they were particularly vivid. Once the euphoria ceases it does not seem to be reachable again until the effects have completely worn off. An excellent way to finish off a bad week, a mild and friendly [supplement], just it’s not something to take if I want to get off my face. My wife didn't notice anything strange about me during this period and she was not aware I had taken anything. It made me feel like nothing mattered.”[3] Experience report from “I have been experimenting extensively with this plant since I had the good fortune of befriending a local grower of exotic plants and entheogens. My Kanna is freshly picked, then shred to a fine(not powdered) consistency, allowed to ferment slowly in a plastic container, and then air dried in a cool environment. It is very effective, either alone or in combination with cannabis. It provides a dreamy, content state. There is an initial feeling of alertness, brightening of colours, and an internal warmth. This is followed by a giddy, light-headed, slightly drowsy state. I just can't put your finger on it. An interesting substance!”[4]2. Stress-Reducing Properties
Secondary to its mood-booster effects, Kanna also helps to reduce feelings of stress. Again, this has been known for millennia by the indigenous people of Southwestern Africa but has only recently been confirmed by Western scientific methods. Aside from its effects on serotonin, researchers have found that Sceletium also temporarily inhibits the PDE4 enzyme – a vital enzyme in inflammation. By modulating the activity of the PDE4 enzyme, Kougoed extract helps to reduce feelings of stress and to lightly reduce inflammation.[5] STUDY: In one study from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, 16 participants aged 18-21 years were given 25 mg of a 2:1 strength extract of Kanna. Two tasks were then performed: a perceptual-load task (to assess the levels of stress) and an emotion-matching task (a measure of changes in connectivity between the amygdala and cortical/subcortical brain structures). MRI scans were also recorded. The results showed a decrease in stress levels and a reduction in the amygdala-hypothalamus coupling. [6] What this study indicates: Kanna extract may be effective at reducing stress levels and allowing people to ignore stimuli that are not related to the task at hand (improve focus).3. Helps with Cognitive Function and Focus
The cognitive enhancing benefits of Kanna have only recently been discovered, where people noticed that their ability to maintain focus and concentration improved after using the plant extract. Today, some scientists think that they’ve worked out the underlying mechanism behind this. By blocking the activity of the PDE4 enzyme, Kanna allows an increase in cAMP – a biochemical molecule used for energy in cells. The noticeable effects of this include benefits for memory, wakefulness, and mental focus. As an example, Caffeine is also a PDE4 inhibitor – like Kanna! STUDY: In a similar study to the one above, 21 Canadian participants aged around 55 years, received either 25 mg of 2:1 Kanna extract, or placebo, for 3 weeks. The results showed a significant improvement in executive function and cognitive flexibility for the group who received the active supplement. Results also indicated a marked improvement in mood scores for the active group. These effects are thought to be related to PDE4 inhibition.[7] What this study indicates: Apart from its mood-boosting and stress-reducing benefits, Kanna extract may also be effective at improving cognitive performance, and particularly executive function.Recommended Dosage for Sceletium Extract
The recommended serving size for Kanna is typically 25 – 75 mg, taken once to twice daily. It is important to remember that most studies have used a 2:1 ratio extract (a standardized 2X extract of raw plant material). LiftMode’s Kanna extract is much more potent than this, with 5+% total alkaloid content. Always start by using a lower serving size to assess your response. Kanna extract can be taken in a number of ways. We recommend taking it under the tongue (sublingual) for optimum effects. The powder can also be washed down with water or juice but is not very soluble. Alternatively, vegetarian (pullulan) capsules can be used should you prefer to encapsulate this product - making it easier to store and handle.Side Effects and Warnings
When taken at the recommended serving size, Kanna extract is considered safe and is generally without side effects. At larger servings, some adverse effects may be noticeable, like headaches, sweating, nausea, dizziness, and an upset stomach. One long-term study was carried out on a 2:1 strength Kanna extract, over 3 consecutive months of use at either 8 mg or 25 mg per serving. Kanna was found to be well tolerated. Side effects were more common in the placebo group than the group receiving the active compound.[8] These results were reported again in another study – where the placebo group experienced more negative side effects like headaches, appetite loss, and mild skin irritation. To reduce the likelihood of experiencing negative effects, do not exceed the recommended serving size. Kanna has not been sufficiently studied in pregnant or nursing women. If you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking any medication, speak to your doctor before using this supplement as there may be a risk of negative interactions.Summary: So What is Kanna?
Overall, Kanna is a powerful new plant extract with impressive mood-lifting and stress-reducing effects. It may also improve cognitive function and assist with sleep. LiftMode’s Kanna extract contains 5+% total alkaloid content and 3% Mesmebrine. This is a very potent extract. Benefits include:- Powerful increase in mood
- Reduction in feelings of stress
- Enhancement of cognitive function
- Helps with sleep
Medical Disclaimer
Not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease or ailment. Please read and fully understand potential adverse effects before using this product. These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA and are not written by a medical professional. Please consult your doctor before using any supplements, especially if you have any medical conditions.
B.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Researched & written by Tristan and verified by the Research Team