
Coleus forskohlii Extract Powder

Regular price $9.68
Regular price $11.78 Sale price $9.68
Unit Size: 5g

Coleus forskohlii is a plant, traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine. The main active compound in Coleus forskohlii is called forskolin which has a molecular mass of 410.507 g·mol−1 and the chemical formula C22H34O7.


Coleus forskohlii Extract Benefits and Uses

Coleus forskohlii (also known as Plectranthus barbatus) is a member of the mint plant family. Anecdotally, the active compound, forskolin, is taken for its perceived natural metabolism-supporting and thermogenic properties..

Coleus forskohlii extract is also known by a few different names, including:

  • Forskolin
  • Indian coleus
  • 6beta,9alpha-trihydroxylabd-14-en-11-one

Scientific consensus

Supplementing with this product is likely to be safe for most people, when used at the correct serving size. Coleus forskohlii can result in an upset stomach when taken in excess. Do not exceed the recommended serving size.

Warning: Do not take Coleus forskohlii supplements if you are taking any blood pressure or blot clotting medication. If you have any medical conditions, speak to your doctor before using Coleus forskohlii extract.

Instructions & Ingredients

Serving size is 250mg. As a dietary supplement, take 1-2 servings up to 3 times per day. Please start with the lowest suggested single serving quantity to assess response.

Supplement Facts
Serving size: 250mg Servings per container: 20
Amount per serving % DV
Coleus forkohlii Extract (Root)[(Std. to 10% Forskolin (25 mg))] 250 mg
‡ Daily Value not established.

Where To Buy

LiftMode offers a variety of unit sizes of HPLC-tested Coleus forskohlii Extract Powder, including a a 5g unit, a 50g unit, a 100g unit and a 200g unit. Our Coleus forskohlii Extract Powder is of the highest quality.

Disclaimer & Other Info

Store securely in a dry cool location away from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Do not take this or any other supplement, and instead consult doctor about use, if you are under the age of 18, pregnant or breastfeeding, taking prescription or OTC / nonprescription drugs, or if you have any known or suspected medical conditions. Do not use if product safety seal was damaged or missing upon receipt.

The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Regular price $9.68
Regular price $11.78 Sale price $9.68
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Scientifically Tailored Ingredients

  • Kanna Extract
  • Amanita Muscaria Extract
Kanna Extract
Kanna Extract

Kanna Extract

Kanna is a succulent plant within the *Aizoaceae* family and has been used for its mood-enhancing properties by humans in South Africa since the Stone Age. *Sceletium tortuosum* based products include a wide variety of different extracts. LiftMode's MT55 Kanna extract based products are produced with one of the most potent and high-quality Kanna extracts available. Kanna extracts are reputed to produce tranquil yet cheerful states of mind while acting as a mild stress-reducing SRI (serotonin reuptake inhibitor). Kanna extracts have also been known to enhance cognitive function and reduce nicotine cravings. - Boosts Mood - Reduces Stress - Promotes Tranquility

Amanita Muscaria Extract
Amanita Muscaria Extract

Amanita Muscaria Extract

Amanita muscaria, often referred to as fly agaric, is a mushroom native to wet regions of the northern hemisphere, and is identified by its large, red cap with white detail. Its earliest recorded use in history can be traced back to around 10,000 years ago in ancient Sanskrit texts. The active compound in amanita muscaria, muscimol, binds to GABA receptors to improve mood and promote sleep and relaxation. While further studies are needed to confirm additional benefits, evidence suggests that is consumed in large quantities, muscimol may be toxic. - Promotes sleep - Improves mood - Induces relaxation

Collapsible content


Majeed, M. (2012) Coleus forskohlii in the management of obesity. Obesity: Epidemiology, pathophysiology and Prevention, Second Edition.

Coleus forskohlii, Winchester Hospital. (2019). Available at:

Nishijima, C., Chiba, T., Sato, Y., & Umegaki, K. (2019). Nationwide Online Survey Enables the Reevaluation of the Safety of Coleus forskohlii Extract Intake Based on the Adverse Event Frequencies. Nutrients, 11(4), 866.